From Faith to Faithful

From Faith to Faithful

For a lot of us, faith was introduced as the end goal. Have faith by the end of your life, so that when your life ends, you get on the right bus.

And that was it. That was faith. But isn’t there more to it than that?

Doesn’t what we do with our faith right now, matter? Isn’t there an element of being faithful in having faith? I mean, faith is literally the root of the word faithful. So, aren’t we supposed to do something with it?

Many of us would say that we have faith. Don’t get me wrong, that’s great. But are we being faithful now? Are we living in a way that is dictated by our faith? Is our faith easy to see?

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. -Galatians 5:6b

Are we expressing our faith? And perhaps more importantly, are we expressing it through love?

This book covers a lot. In it you’ll find chapters that pertain to this very idea of expressing our faith through love. We talk about growing in our personal faith, wrestling with fear, talking to people about Jesus, comparison, how to get started, and other inspirational, momentous, concepts that are just full of things to underline and share on Instagram.

There are also chapters that are funny, unrelated, and only exist because I think it’s important to laugh at ourselves.

Wherever you are in your faith I think there’s something in here for you. If you’re brand new to faith and it’s all exiting and strange, or if you’ve had faith for a long time and maybe it’s gotten a little stale, I believe this book will inspire and encourage you to express your faith through love, and to truly be faithful with the faith you’ve found.

Isn’t it about time we go from Faith to Faithful?

From Faith to Faithful Video Series